Thursday, March 10, 2011

Weekly Recap 2/27 - 3/6

Well, this has been another big gap in posts.  I actually have something important to post about, so here goes.

Monday 2/28: Rest

Tuesday 3/1: Rest

Wednesday 3/2: I didn't really have a plan for today, but I didn't have a lot of time.  I chose to go on a run around the neighborhood and mix in some surges to wake my legs up.  The surges were around 400m long and I did them occasionally.  1 every 800m or so.
Distance: 3 miles

Thursday 3/3:  I went for a run on Corey's Loop with Colin.  Today was all about just getting a few miles in and not getting too taxed.  Colin did pretty good on his run, but was pretty gassed at the end.  The overall pace was around 9 min/mile.
Distance: 4 miles

Friday 3/4: I took two laps around the park just to get the jitters out in preparation for Saturday's race.  I also added a surge in for the last .10 of each mile.
Distance: 2 miles

Saturday 3/5:  First race of the season.  Les Bois Trail 10k.  I went for a 1 mile warmup, and then got settled in to start the race.  The first have of the race was pretty uneventful.  It was a pretty good climb up for the first half of the race.  My first 5k was around 24 minutes.  I made sure to conserve plenty of energy since I didn't know how hard the climb would be or where the toughest parts were.  The second 5k was around 18 minutes.  I feel very happy with my result in the race which was 41:55.  This is a PR for me by 7 minutes.
Distance: 7 miles

Sunday 3/6:  Weekly long run.  I decided to run from the house to Eagle Island and back.  I have found that I am getting away from taking the walk breaks and I don't think that my performance is suffering.  I just get a little bit nervous toward the end of my run when my knee starts aching.  However, this run came after my hard effort at the Les Bois 10k, so I think I should be sore and achy.  It felt really good to get a full week of running in again.
Distance 12 miles

Total Weekly Distance: 27.22 miles

This week also served as another milestone.  During my long run, I crossed the 1,000 mile mark.  It took me almost 10 months exactly.