Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Weekly Recap

It's been a bit since I did an entry, so here goes.  This is for the week of January 24-30.

Tuesday 1/25:  Speedwork.  4.25 miles.  Because I am still recovering from some knee pain, I chose to do a very light speedwork session.  I warmed up with one mile at 7:45 pace, followed by 2 miles at 6:38 pace and ending with another 1.25 miles at 7:45 pace.  The warmups were a bit quicker than I normally prefer, but it felt good so I just went with it.

Wednesday 1/26:  Hills.  5.24 miles.  I went out with the TenToes group again tonight.  This week, I chose to push a bit harder to see how I measured up with the rest of the group.  There was a really nice climb of around 600 feet.  It felt really good to crush the climb and hear everyone else whining about how tough it was.  I took it easy on the downhill just to ensure safety.

Friday 1/28:  Recovery/Trail/Hills. 3.75 miles.  I felt like getting up into the foothills today.  I initially planned on doing 6-7 miles, but I didn't follow directions very well.  I ran most of the Red Tail trail off Cartwright.  I feel as though I do quite well on technical trails.  I really like the rush too.  On the loop return, the climb was pretty evil, especially with mud caked soles.  I walked a little bit here and there just to make sure I recovered a bit.

Sunday 1/30: Long Run. 10.64 miles.  I didn't really care where I ran, what I ran or anything.  All I knew was that I did not want to run Rainbow again, and that I wanted to run 10-12 miles.  I ended up driving out to Swan Falls and ran some trails out there.  I attempted to run the Snake River Petroglyph tour from the Boise Trail Guide, but like always, I can't follow instructions.  I just ran in random directions for 10 miles and called it a day.  I had some pretty good elevation gains, which was kinda nice to break up the monotony in my long runs.

Total Mileage: 23.88 miles

I am proud of myself for all of the hillwork I did this week.  I feel kind of intimidated by hills, since it may have been the cause of my knee pain with Zeitgeist and all.  The climbs are definitely a strength of mine, and everything that I do now will be a benefit at WIFMER.  I am going to bump up my mileage this coming week and really test my knee.  I am itching to get back into speedwork so that I can get closer to a sub 5 minute mile.  I want to break 5 minutes by my birthday.